How to start the New Year off Right

How to start the New Year off Right

By: Mikayla Koeltzow

We've just welcomed in the New Year this past week. And even more so than past years, we enter this one with a lot of hope for the possibilities. Friends or family we eagerly hope to see, activities we look forward to doing, and perhaps career advancements we aim to take. This last year really shined a light on what is most important to each of us. So, no matter how our individual goals went last year, this year is the perfect time to prioritize new goals or give past, failed resolutions another shot!

Determining Goals

To decide on your goals for this coming year, think over questions such as, “what do I want to prioritize?”, “what do I want to try?”, “what do I want to be better at?”, “what habits do I want to work on?”, “what do I hope to accomplish this year?”, “what can I do this year that will help set me towards my future dreams?”, “what kind of person do I want to be?”. Write down whatever comes to mind, and figure out which goals are most important to you.

It can be nice to have goals with varying difficulty. Add some goals that will require hard work to achieve; breaking these down into steps can make this type of task much easier to approach throughout the year. And additionally, include easier to approach improvement-based goals such as those written out like: "try...”, “...more”, “get better at...”, “be ...-er”. These can be as simple as items like “try something new”, “read more”, “get better at my job”, “be kinder”. Even though these types of goals can be simple, they can truly have lasting effects on both your day-to-day life, and long-term goals.

Reevaluate Regularly

Circumstances change throughout the year, and with that, your goals and how you approach them might as well. New Year's should not be the only time you assess your goals. Check in on your progress regularly: monthly, quarterly, find what works best for you. Consider setting a notification on your phone calendar to remind yourself to reflect on you progress. Remember, it’s okay to adjust your goals.

Be Okay with Failure

If we learned anything this past year, it’s that our goals will not always turn out how we plan. Goals can be incredibly valuable, so long as we don’t ever place our self-worth on the outcome. Plan to fail so that if it happens, you’re ready to pick yourself right back up. The biggest accomplishments rarely come without setbacks along the way.

Reward Yourself

Sometimes the most difficult part about working towards your goals is simply, starting. It is important to reward yourself along the way, not only when you finish a goal; but celebrate then too! Reward yourself when you start a goal, when you pick yourself up after falling short of a goal, and of course, when you finish a goal. And always remember, the most important thing we can do is allow for ourselves to enjoy the journey. And with that, cheers, have a happy New Year!

About the Author:
Mikayla Koeltzow

Mikayla is always looking to see new places and experience new things in order to slow life down and create unique memories. Photography and writing are her absolute favorite ways to document these moments. When not working or relaxing with her dog, you’ll most often find her (and her dog) hiking, backpacking, camping, road tripping, or hanging out with friends and family.